Tony Evans Kingdom Man

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Beginning at its November breakfast meeting, BTB began a remarkable study authored by Rev. Tony Evans. The study is based on his book, Kingdom Man.
In the very first study, he uses a football analogy to define what the Kingdom Man’s role is. He’s not a quarterback, running back, or a quarterback. He is not even a team coach. Instead, he’s like the referee.
That may sound unusual, but he is on track. The referee is not there to please the crowd or the contesting teams. Doing that would corrupt the game. Instead, he’s there to enforce the NFL Conference rules, to ensure the integrity of the game. To the degree he performs that mission, properly representing the authority of the NFL Commissioner, referees have both authority and power. …show more content…

The rule book is the Bible. He stands for righteousness and social order; and without him, human life turns to chaos. So God is looking for Kingdom Men, but they are hard to find. Might you be one that God has called to take the field to represent him?
In January, BTB will present a third study, “Life of the Kingdom Man.” In this video, Evans notes that a system of authority exists in God’s Kingdom. Christian men are under Christ’s authority and have a responsibility to fulfill. Doing that is the way to blessing for the Kingdom Man.
But what could that be? To define the Kingdom Man’s way to blessing, Pastor Evans turns to Psalms 128. First, the scripture says “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord.” This, Evans says, is the key to God’s blessing. That could mean “terror.” But Evans posits another definition. Fear also means to “reverence,” that is, to take God seriously, to live as if we are in God’s presence; rather than to treat God as an emergency stop when we get into