Tonya Peele's Essay: Moving Away From White Lies

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Moving away from White Lies
By Tonya Peele
October 15, 2017

The online dictionary, Merrimam-Webster, dictionary defines a lie as “to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive”. White lies, is defined and not in the dictionary, as a lie to get out of a social request, to spare someone’s fillings, etc. However a “white lie” is still a lie, an untruth with the intent to deceive.

The world is filled with good people and most of us will say we are good people but most of us have told a what is said to be a white lie. In the article, “How to be true to your Word”, by Cat Thompson, she discusses how most of us tell white lies to spare hurting someone’s feelings or to get out of a dinner invitation. She also points out that we often tell white lies to ourselves, about going to the gym or paying a credit card. When we lie to others we tend to create a situation that may require us to build a world around that lie so the truth will not be discovered. When we lie to ourselves about simple things like going to the gym or paying a credit we are doing ourselves a disservice because when we can not fulfill the truth we are thinking we are telling to ourselves, by not fulfilling that action we are lying and we may hold on to guilt from it.

Lying, sometimes in mind, is necessary for good reasons, right? We often think so and I know …show more content…

I often found that to be the case with my ex-husband when we were going through financial difficulties. Telling a white lie and creating this whole other reality around that so called white lie led to bigger lies. This was experiencing the statement in Cat Thompson’s article, “When our words don’t match our actions, we lose a measure of healthy ownership and control over our lives”, I was watching this happen to someone I loved before my eyes, losing control over their life and our life