Top Man Analysis

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In Top Man the author uses immense amounts of description to help the reader picture the setting. The setting is extremely important to the overall outcome because it can affects one's decision making process. For example, in the story the great description helps the reader understand what is occurring in the particular scene. On page 46 it states, "Beyond his head, not two hundred feet above the white, untrodden, pinnacle of K3 stabbed the sky." In this quote the reader can create a mental image of the scene because of the amazing choice of vocabulary. This sentence allows the reader to picture what is occurring at the moment and possibly imagine what may occur in the near future. By describing some geographical elements of K3 it creates …show more content…

Inner thinking explains the setting by showing how characters view it. Characters viers are extremely essential to the story because it is one of the strongest ways to portray a claim. It also shows how characters react to certain situations and what decisions they make sue to the occurrence. “Osborn hesitated, then took a downward step. But he never took the next. For in that same instant the snow directly in front of him disappeared. It did not seem to fall or to break away.” (45) In this text example the reader is able to see first hand Osborn’s thoughts in this situation. As he is living this moment you can hear his decisions and the impact of them. When it describes how he took a step but them never took another you can see that something negative has occurred. The author helps describe that he was indeed going to take an additional step but then something had occurred which made him stop. When he thinks he goes extremely in depth on what the natural scene was which can help you understand his point of view in the story. descriptive words improves the reader's understanding of the story, it as it adds an immense amount of more detail into the reader's mental picture of the situation. The description of setting through his inner thoughts is very important to the reader because it will impact the way you view the scenario. Another way to show this is by allowing the reader to understand reactions in different scenic moments. "Osborn hesitated a moment, then turned and began slowly climbing the steep chimney above us. Halfway up he paused, struggling for breath. Then he resumed his laborious upward progress and recently disappeared beyond the crest” (46.) In this quote the reader is able to understand Osborn's thoughts while climbing up the mountain and how much work it truly was. It was a long, difficult journey up, that took