An Analysis Of Toru Dutt's Poems

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Punyand elf-like, with disheveled tresses Self-willed and shy ne’er heeding that I call, Intentto pay her tenderest addresses Torbid as cat, - but most intelligent (Govin Chunder Dutt) This is how, Toru Dutt’s father, thought about her dearest daughter. He made a strong call towards the end of the quatrain, where he calls her as the “most intelligent.” Toru Dutt, was a famous Indian Poetess, who wrote poems in English and translated many great French poets into English. Born on 4th of March 1865, besides being known for her poetry, her personal life, never escaped the attention of the readers and the critics. Her life, being a combination of beauty and tragedy, Toru belonged to a rich life, rich in the material and the literary terms. She belonged to the Dutt family, from Kolkata, which at the time were eminent family. Her father, Govin Chunder Dutt, was a good linguist, and literary learned person. In 1862 when Toru Dutt, was only six year old her parents embraced Christianity. Though, her mother did not accept Christianity initially, but later she …show more content…

They first stayed at Nice, in the south-east of France. Though, the stay at Nice was a short one, but enough for Toru, to get hold on French language. She attended a school at Nice and learned French. Soon, they left France, and went to England. In England, Toru attended Cambridge University, which helped her in blossoming, her personality further. In London she also joined music classes, which opened new vistas of emotions for the poetess. While studying at Cambridge, Toru came in contact with Mary Martin, who became a lifelong friend of hers. Her friendship with Mary Martin is of great significance, which helped her to shape the mental makeup as the poet. In September 1873, the Dutt’s family moved back to Bengal, where soon after, in 1874, her sister Aru succumbed to

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