
Totalitarianism In 1984

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12/14/15 George Orwell 1984 Could you be controlled without knowing so? George Orwell’s dystopian fiction 1984 is a gripping warning about the dangers of totalitarian politics and compliance to such political systems.Through the trials of main character Winston Smith living in Orwell interpretation of the future, modern day London totalitarian superstate called Oceania, Orwell’s write his precautionary trial. I believe Orwell wrote this book to warn us about certain characteristics that we possessed as human beings that could lead us into such a dystopian world as the one presented in 1984. Power, total power given to such a political system is what drives this novel. In 1984 the power of the government over the people is such that even language has become controlled. “ The purpose of newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expressions for the worldview and mental habits proper the devotees of Ingsoc,but to make all their modes of thought impossible.”page(299-300) How do you devise a revolution without words to properly convey your thoughts, you can not. This almost makes …show more content…

In Orwell’s novel people are continuously manipulated most of which are so dull they do not know that they are being manipulated. Though some allow themselves to be manipulated out of fear of opposition. For instance one may know that two plus two equals four but if the party says that it equals five, no matter how much you protest inwardly or verbally, you in the end will too say that two plus two is five. “ Thoughtcrime does not entail death: Thoughtcrime is death.”(page 28) Winston tried to cheat the party, he thought that he could hold on to his own personal beliefs and die free but in the end he would die pure. Purety in 1984 was complete compliance to the ordrindy of the party.” The party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested int the good of others, we are interested in power, pure

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