In George Orwell’s bleak novel titled 1984, a totalitarian government takes hold of an entire country. Actually, the totalitarian government had already taken hold of the aforementioned country, named Oceania, and controlled all of its citizens by fear and hatred before the plot of the book began. Readers of 1984 quickly get to experience the main character’s life and experiences in a dystopian society. Getting to peer into a bizarre and dismal lifestyle of an unhappy man who is determined to fight against his government is not only a surreal educational experience for readers, but it is also a relevant opportunity to take heed of 1984’s warnings and prevent a world of dictatorships and restrictive social codes. The protagonist named Winston is a normal member of society. He does his duties for the government and just about nothing else. He is always being watched by the government and feels the need to censor his own words, body language, and even thoughts. All of the measures that Winston takes are in order to not get in trouble by the government. His job of changing history in previously written literature is for the government, his house is under surveillance by the government, and his language is even limited by the government issued language of …show more content…
They were confined to lifestyles for the security and prosperity of the government. This dictatorship, led by Big Brother, enforced by inner party members, and endured by outer party members, is an example of a possible future. Realizing that situations like the one in 1984 are possible and using that knowledge to counteract events like those in 1984 are the reasons why Orwell was inspired to write the book. Fear was the inspiration for 1984, and fear from 1984 could be the catalyst to prevent a country like Oceania from