
Trace Analysis Essay

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Trace Examination is A Science
Trace examination is a vital branch of forensic science that involves the examination and comparison of tiny physical evidence that is often found at a crime scene or on a victim’s body. Trace This field of forensics has a rich history that dates back to the late 19th century when scientists began using microscopy to identify and compare trace evidence [1]. Ever since then, trace evidence analysis has become essential in efforts for identifying and linking possible suspects to crime scenes. Today, trace examination continues to play a critical role in criminal investigations, and advancements in technology have expanded the capabilities of this important forensic science. This paper will ultimately provide not …show more content…

A very famous case involving trace evidence was the Atlanta Child Murders case. From this case you can see how trace examination can become such a powerful tool to prove one’s innocence or guilt. The Atlanta Child Murders is a case involving the deaths and disappearance of 30 black children in Atlanta in 1979. [4] During this case, fibers and hair were found on the victims that were later used to point to a potential suspect Wayne Williams. The fibers were able to be identified while the hair was able to be recognized as dog hair. Between Comparisons between Mr. Williams's carpet and his dog’s hair, it was statistically calculated how likely it would be that someone else besides him could have done the crime [4]. Through all this evidence a strong case was made in favor of him being the culprit and ultimately a conviction was achieved. It is not to be understated how quintessential trace examination was to this case and how important it is to every case where trace analysis can be done. Getting an up-close look at real-life applications allows you to feel the importance of this field of

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