Essay On Traditional Masculinity

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Title: Confronting or Confirming The Traditional Masculinity?
(The Portrayal of Fatherhood in Indonesia Men’s Lifestyle Magazine)

Research Problem:
In Indonesia patriarchal country, being a man means that one has a bigger responsibility in his life. As a father, he should be able to take care his family, reliable and other can depend. Moreover, unlike woman with the working mother phenomenon that more widely accepted in Indonesia for the last decade, stay at home father was never appreciated in Indonesia patriarchal society. Since being the sole economic provider is the core of masculinity politic. However, with the ongoing gender relations, those men’s kodrat have been contested. As a result, within masculinity field, the new man was seen as the contemporary model of masculinity. Compare to the traditional masculinity, the new man has different masculinity attributes. While the traditional masculinity attributes was built as the opposites of femininity, the new man was seen as more tolerant in dealing with femininity. Indeed, unlike the traditional masculinity, the new man embrace and share …show more content…

There are two historical events related to the research. The new order era (1967- 1998) and Reformation era (start in 1998). During the new order, the government controlled various aspects of social life, including how man and woman should function in the family. Moreover, New order’s system of media control privileged the New Order’s government to scrutinize all of the media activity, which commonly related to censorship and propaganda. After the new government dismantled the New Order’s press law, the number of international media corporation in Indonesia was increased significantly. This brings dramatic social change in Indonesia including gender relation as the media was challenged and questioned the concept of family and patriarchal

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