
Traits Affecting Males Reproductive Success

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The traits in a male can affect the way in which who he gets to reproduces with. In humans the way a man looks or his actions can affect his mates’ preferences. A male would increase his reproductive success by mating with more females. If a male keeps mating with many females he has more opportunities to have his traits passed on. One thing that limits males from reproductive success is the availability and access to females. This is because females have to invest more time into parenting and they are not always able to mate if they are pregnant. The traits in a male that are selected for are the ones who are competitive to be able to gain access to many mates. The quality that the choosy females want are the males who have good genes to be able to pass them on to their offspring. …show more content…

The health of a male can affect his reproductive success because a female does not want to mate with a male who has diseases and is sick. Females mostly want to mate with a male who has the energy to invest into parenting. Males tend to invest into parenting when available female mates are scarce, as well as, when caring for the offspring can increase the offspring’s fitness. This can be seen in human mating preferences because human females do not want to mate with a male who is going to leave her with their offspring. The trait of being big in size can affect male competition for females. This trait has affect humans mating preferences because some females want only males who are muscular and look good. As seen above many male trait are related to his reproductive success and the way it has affected the human female

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