Transnational Migration Analysis

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Introduction: In present times, due to globalisation and technological expansion, societies have become multicultural and multiethnic. Transnational migration is one of the significant aspects of the contemporary world. The experience of migrants depends upon many factors. It varies from generation to generation. The attitude of the host countries and the causes that lead to migration are some of the major factors that affect the life of migrants in the host country. In the age of globalisation, there is less physical dislocation than mental dislocation. Even though migrants face external problems like discrimination, assimilation, cultural changes, adaptation, struggle for survival, and identity crisis, their own inner problems like loneliness …show more content…

Beena Agarwal points out that, on one hand the phenomena of migration has helped to break the barriers of traditions; it has also made the life of Indian woman more complex. Indian woman with her traditional moral consciousness and limited professional skills find herself more isolated and insecure (10). The process of formation of identities continuously morphs. It keeps on shifting. As Avtar Brah suggests, such variable identities are “constituted within the crucible of the materiality of everyday life; in the everyday stories we tell ourselves individually and collectively” (183). The notion of identity has come up for the question in recent times, as global and transnational identities has evolved. The issue of race, class, gender, plays an important role in the construction of identity. The problems faced by men and women are different after migration. Sometimes women become more liberated and sometimes it breaks them when they come so far after leaving behind their family because it is believed that they are more attached or concerned about their families as compared to men. The issue of female identity has been dealt by many diasporic women writers from different perspectives and dimensions. The journey of the diasporic women after migration is two-folded journey: the journey into the inner self and also the outer journey. They present the dilemma which women face in the alien land. Earlier, mainly before globalisation identity was taken as a coherent and …show more content…

In the traditional societies, women are taught to keep silent. They are always expected to be submissive and passive. However, migration of women to the developed countries proves beneficial for them. Betty Friedan reiterates in her book, The Feminine Mystique that the idea of “feminine” and “masculine” is artificially created by society. Women try to fit into these ideas, which lead to frustration, dissatisfaction and identity crisis. Migration to developed countries helps Nina and Rakhi in many ways. The status of women is different there as compared to the developing countries like India. In traditional societies like India, women are oppressed and treated like