Transvaginal Ultrasound Case Study

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either transvaginal or trans labial ultrasound was performed.
Transvaginal Ultrasound was not used in all studies due to the potential risk for causing bleeding in already high risk patients from the cervical manipulation. Satija et al. (2015) and Elhawaryl et al. (2013) utilized trans-labial ultrasound for their investigation.
The trans-labial scans were performed using the same type of transducer, patient position, and preparation with semi-filled bladders before the scan. The partially filled bladder provided better evaluation of the lower uterine segment for identification of the placenta edge with regard to the inner OS (Elhawaryl et al., 2013).
Except for the Pilloni et al. case study, a 1.5-T MRI scanner was utilized from the point of the diaphragm to the pubic symphysis (2015). The patient was placed on her back with full urinary bladder. All patients were instructed to remain very still during the scan.
Variability of scan techniques did not have to be taken into consideration because the same two, very experienced sonographers performed each scan. This increased the …show more content…

The specific type of abnormal color Doppler imaging pattern proved to be most important in diagnosis. Interestingly, the study Satija et al. (2015) found a greater accuracy in ultrasound, yet did not utilize trans-labial ultrasound that Elhawarl et al. (2013) used nor did they use transvaginal on every patient. Elhawarl et al. (2013) reported MRI to be slightly more accurate when ultrasound findings were unclear or there was a posterior placenta. Maher et al. found that magnetic resonance imaging was a useful secondary tool regarding the diagnosis of placenta attachment abnormality (2013). Ultrasound proved to be good for ruling out suspicion and offering the ability for initial diagnosis of placenta attachment

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