Travellers And Gypsies To Engage And Built Up Trust With Other Community

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The aim of this assignment is to examine issues that affecting Travellers and Gypsies to engage and built up trust with other communities and health and social care services. The purpose to analyse this subject is to find strategies to overcome those barriers. Fact is that” too many people from these misunderstood communities’ still face prejudice, abuse and even physical attack”, (The Guardian,2016) It is suggested that those factors are determine of the mistrust and lack of engagement. Therefore, it is indeed necessary to face these issues in contemporary health and social care. The rational for selecting this subject is, that the health status of Gypsies and Travellers is still significant poorer and therefore, the mortality rate lower, compared with other communities (Richardson et al 2012, p 44). Social factors such as hygiene (access to clean water), psychological stress, social isolation, domestic abuse, alcohol and smoking are determined. …show more content…

Some Gypsies feel stigmatised, (Ryder,et al 2012). By research it could be analysed that some boroughs do not have an explicated chapter in their policies on Gypsies and Traveller’s needs (FFT,2015). ( put Gov. UK in!!!!!) It is suggested that services should develop more knowledge on the specific needs of Travellers and Gypsies. Furthermore, language barriers, illiteracy and the lack of knowledge what kind of health and social services are available, are also determined that Gypsies and Travellers do not access them, (West Sussex LINK,2010). Here must be considered how can health and social care services breech that

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