Treasure, Buccaneers And Privateers In Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson

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An adventurous pirate tale have always captivated the audience’s imagination. However, many authors such as Robert Louis Stevenson have romanticized the pirate life. This author put thoughts in your head about treasure, buccaneers, and privateers. These examples are much different than they appear.
First, most people don’t know a lot about pirate’s treasure. Treasure was not buried under an “X” and sometimes it wasn’t even buried at all. The reasons for treasure to not be buried is that some pirates wanted some of the loot beforehand. Something that is the most surprising, is what was actually in the chest. According to page 4 number 9, “...treasure did not always include gold or silver; most of it was food, lumber, cloth, and animal hides.” This explains that “treasure” wasn’t considered money or jewelry, but useful items such as food and cloth. In Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, the crew will do practically anything to get the treasure. This means they would risk their lives for food and cloth, which is completely ridiculous. Therefore, Treasure Island heavily romanticizes the importance of treasure. (Page 4 Number 9).
Second, the idea of being a buccaneer is wanted for every pirate. However, buccaneers were just regular pirates except they fought in the War of the Spanish Succession. Buccaneers had no …show more content…

Privateers are pirates that were recruited to man or defend against enemy ships. These pirates were recruited by their government, and they had valid commissions. According to page 2 paragraph 3, “...privateers (those who had official government commissions).” This means that they had good reasons for attacking enemy ships. In Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, the idea of being a privateer is under romanticized. The novel doesn’t say anything about privateers being important. Therefore, Treasure Island heavily under romanticized the idea of being a privateer. (Page 2 Paragraph