Treating Addiction Behavior Analysis

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Addiction is a multifaceted behavior that is as intricate as the human being in which it is exhibited. There is no one definition that encompasses all aspects of addiction. It is clear that addiction is a mesh of many forces in life converging on an individual to drive that person towards a behavior that can be easily identified no matter what the context.
Addiction grows more severe over time. Substance use disorders travel along a continuum. This evolution can be measured by the amount, frequency and context of a person 's substance use. As their disease deepens, people who are addicted need more of their particular drug. They may use more often, and use in situations they never imagined when they first began to drink or take drugs. Thus, making the illness harder to treat. It also increase the likelihood of related health problems. These problems can be …show more content…

The dimensions allows a practitioner to comprehend where an individual is one a particular dimension. However, where an individual lands on a spectrum may vary depending on dimension. In this expressed difficulty, the practitioners explores the commonality of using different treatment strategies depending on the severity level of addiction. To understand addiction, is to understand the causes or etiology of a particular condition. Identifying and understanding these factors that influence an additions onset, severity, and course is different from diagnosing addictions. The DSM has a separated diagnosis from etiology. Essentially this concept gives practitioner a better understanding of the factors associated with an individual’s addiction. An effective treatment and prevention efforts consider the range for factors involved and address those most likely to yield results that are beneficial for the particular person or