
Treatment Of Animals By Movin Moving On To Peter Singer

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Treatment of Animals Treatment of animals can be easily referred to people killing animals. But we are using treatment instead of killing, I think it sound less violent in my opinion. From statistic of Farm Animal Welfare, “about 95% of animals killed by humans are farm animals killed for food.” Therefore, our primary usage of animals is for food. Other common usage of animals is animal testing, hunting for entertainment, decoration, fur, and circuses. In here, I understand that people using animals for food and testing is necessary. Because animals are our primary food sources and animals testing help us improve our medical technology. On the other hand, I can’t accept that people using animals for decoration or fur. It just an inhumanity action to do. …show more content…

In other words, all humans and nonhuman animals are equal. Also, he argues that our treatment of animals is very wrong. In my opinion, I absolutely agree with his claims and statements. Put it into example, hunting deer for decoration, killing elephant for ivory, killing sharks for fins and so on. Because of the temptation of money, people become greedy and bloody, which could do anything in order to get money and discard their conscience. Furthermore, speciesism is mentioned in the article. He defines speciesism as a bias attitude that favor in their own species and against other species. Because of that, this statement is lead to two major moral issue, racism and

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