Treaty Of Versailles Essay

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Because the Austro-Hungarian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by Serbian citizen Gavrilo Princip, a war between the two countries broke out and a chain reaction occurred as allies of both countries joined the fight; the war’s compromise (the Treaty of Versailles) caused Germany’s great humiliation and cleared a path for Hitler to incite World War II. The conflict known as World War I began on July 28, 1914, after Gavrilo Princip assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, inciting war between Austria-Hungary and Serbia. Allies of each side joined the fight, and eventually kindled global conflict. After 365 days, the war was in full swing and two alliances had formed. On one side, the Allied Powers, and the other, the Central Powers. The …show more content…

Selling and shipping weapons to the Allied Powers earned the U.S. a whopping 36 billion dollars before the war came to an end in 1918. The drastic increase in money funded future projects, such as the Manhattan project, more commonly known as the project responsible for the atomic bombs. The war’s compromise, known as the treaty of Versailles, was signed on June 28th, 1919. The treaty’s main purpose was to mark the end of the war and inform Germany that they must pay for all the damage the war caused. European generals and ministers were afraid of the treaty, and feared that peace would not be brought to the world due to its signing, and that it is simply just an armistice, or a long-term ceasefire of sorts. The long-term effect the war had on the world is far greater than one would think. General and Minister of the British and French military Ferdinand Foch once stated, “This treaty is not peace, but an armistice for 20 years.” Twenty years went by and Adolf Hitler began his rise to power. The humiliation Germany felt after taking the fall for World War I cleared a path for Hitler to motivate Germany and begin World War II. The Holocaust and World War II affects us much more than World War I does, but it is because of World War I that World War II ever happened, so does it

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