Treaty Of Versailles Dbq Essay

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The Treaty of Versailles was written at the end of WWI. The primary authors were France, Great Britain, and the USA. The goal was to make Germany pay and prevent them from causing another war. It failed miserably and this is obvious because WWII followed WWI. The treaty of Versailles puts Germany in such bad circumstances that they revolt and started WWII. Those circumstances were caused by Germany using valuable land, having extreme restrictions against their military, being forced to pay reparations, and forcing them to admit they were totally to blame.

The Treaty of Versailles took important land from Germany. This land contained important for industry and coastal land important for trade and shipping. This was done to weaken Germany's economy. The map in document A shows territory lost by Germany following WWI. They lost land along the Rhine river on the french border. They lost coastal land near the edge of Denmark. hey also lost land called the Polish corridor that contained river access, the coastal city of Danzig, and it created a separation between mainland Germany and East Prussia. Document A also provides an excerpt from Hitler's manifesto Mein Kampf. The section concludes with Hitler saying they must take back the lost land by the "sword." This means he wants to use violence. …show more content…

Article 160 in Document B states that Germany shall have no more than 100,000 soldiers. As a point of comparison, and based on the cartoon in document b, the French have 4.7 million and the Polish have 3.5 million. This will have a negative effect on Germany. This will make them feel insecure, unnerved, and disadvantaged. All of these things help explain why they will eventually follow Adlof