Five Themes Of Geography In Ben Michelson's Tree Girl

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“Tree Girl” is mainly about a girl named Gabriella who can climb trees really well. Gabriella is not very pretty so people called her goat face but they started to call her tree girl. She has three sisters and two brothers. She also has two loving parents that are farmers. The 5 themes of geography in thisstory re movement interaction location region place location. All of the horrific events in this story are true. The author of this book is Ben Michelson. The location of tree girl is in Guatemala. Guatemala is surrounded by many countries On the north is México. On the East is Belize. On the west is the Caribbean Sea. On the south side there are two countries, Honduras and El Salvador. Finally on the west there is the Pacific Ocean. The place has a lot of everything from an evil government to a large forest. The government is trying to kill the indos that live in small cantons that are full peaceful farmers that try not to get in trouble. The people fighting the soldiers are called guerrillas that are trying to help the indos. All of the people that escape from there canton have to go to refugee camp on the border of México we people must still …show more content…

The village the book is based in farms coffee beans. The coffee beans get sold at a market 30 kilos away. There is not a lot of pollution. The only real hurt is that the people that own certain land for a long time will be kicked out and killed because the soldiers are finding strongholds. A lot of add-ons to a hut is made. The hut is very small with a large backyard and nine people live there. A lot of helicopters went through the forests shooting people that had escaped. A lot of main roads had been built, but no likes to go down them because thee are soldiers on the road. There are also many mountain trails that are hiked to stay safe, but the trails are harder to get to, go through, and longer time to get to the