Trichuris Vulpis Research Paper

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What is Trichuris vulpis? Trichuris vulpis is a parasite that infects cats and dogs and is found in the cecum and intestines. This parasite is more common in dogs than it is in cats in North America. The more common name for this parasite is whipworm. They get the name whipworm by how the adult worms look. They have a narrow end that look like a whip! (Nemahelminthes, n.d.). How did my dog get whipworms? The eggs of Trichuris vulpis are very resilient in the environment. They can withstand extremely hot and extremely cold weather. They can survive almost indefinitely in the environment and remain infective. If a dog that is infected with the parasite passes feces in the grass, the eggs from the stool can contaminate the soil and the environment …show more content…

Diagnosing whipworms can be challenging due the fact that the eggs are dense making it harder for them to float to the top of the vial. The use of a sugar solution and centrifugation can make the detection of eggs easier to see. We will then take the sample and look at it under a microscope. Due to the nature of these parasites there are some complications in diagnosing them. Animals infected could show clinical signs before eggs are even shed in the feces, therefore, we may not see them under a microscope and would have to diagnose based on the clinical signs shown. ("Whipworms | CAPC Vet," n.d.) The treatment consists of an anti-parasitic agent, usually a pill form. Fenbendazole is usually the choice of treatment for Trichuris vulpis however there are a few variations that may be considered instead. The full course should be taken even if the dog is no longer showing symptoms. This just makes certain that the parasite is completely taken care of. Additional actions may be taken depending on how weak or anemic your dog may be. This may consist of IV fluids and additional supplements. ("Whipworms in Dogs -Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, n.d.) How can I prevent whipworms? Since whipworms can survive very well in the environment, it is important to have good environmental hygiene to control the spreading of parasites. This includes keeping kennels, crates, and cages disinfected. Also, keeping yards and dog runs where animals urinate and defecate, cleaned up regularly can help to prevent spreading these parasites further. ("Whipworms in Dogs | Causes and Prevention," n.d.) Can these be passed to

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