Trophy Persuasive Essay

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Every kid alive, lives for the chance to receive a trophy for either winning that game or being an outstanding performance. Many kids don’t get that chance to receive that trophy either because of talent or that of physical disorders. But for the kids that work their but off and perfect their talents to receive that trophy are much happier after the fact. If my principle was to offer precipitation trophies to everyone or provide a trophy for those who are unable to compete and earn their trophy, many kids would be both approving and disapproving of it. But those kids that put the work in and earn it are few and far between. Meaning those who are unable should receive something for their trouble.The principle should give trophies to everyone …show more content…

Most kids today, as many older people would say, are lazy. Unwilling to do anything but sit at home and play video games all day and never actually get up and do something to improve themselves. Even athletes can fall under this category as lazy. But in the same way some kids are unable to do so with their time. Some kids have the heart and the soul to get better at their sport or way of life but are physically unable to do so. So these kids never are able to get that trophy that they long for. But if the principle is willing to give trophies to everyone and not to the individuals that are better or more talented, the less athletic would be able to feel, for the first time ever, that trophy.
But many bring up the fact of the athlete individuals that work and work to get that trophy that they have also longed for but realize, that all that work was for nothing. All those kids that sit at home and play video games have the same chance as the athletic kid. For those athletes or competitors that have and may still be working day in and day out for that chance to hold a trophy over their head and say i worked for this, is a feeling like no other. But it’s unfair to them that everyone that wants it can get it without working or competing to get it. Some kids need to work for what they