Trouble The Water Analysis

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The documentary "Trouble the Water" is filled with stories and different accounts of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. The film begins by introducing Kimberly Roberts and her husband. They are the main characters of this film. The first part of the film shows the day leading up to the hurricane as shot by Mrs. Roberts home video. It focuses on the evacuation order and the people who are not able to leave for lack of transportation. Once the storm hits, the film shows how heavy the storm is and how much flooding there is when the levee system begins to fail. Mrs. Roberts and her husband are then shown moving to the attic of their house to escape the flood waters. The first part ends when their home video cuts out right around the time that …show more content…

Looking at the film through the lens of the sociological perspective, there are many aspects throughout the film that can be discussed. In the beginning of the film, it shows all of the people who do not evacuate either because they can 't or the ones who don 't think it will be bad enough to have to leave. The analysis of this behavior is fairly simple, those who stay behind are too poor to afford to leave or have no means to leave, such as needing special assistance they were not …show more content…

Later on in the film, the Roberts ' moved away to try and start somewhere new. However, they quickly realized that it would be too difficult to start anew in a place where they know no one and don 't really know what to do. After a short time of trying to make things work, they moved back to New Orleans. This behavior was likely partially dictated by a sense of home and belonging. They decided they would rather go back to their devastated home and rebuild a life there rather than try to go somewhere new. It was also good to see that once they moved back, Mr. Roberts got a job to help rebuild their life. His employer actually had heard that he just wanted to work and through that, he got a solid job doing construction

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