Troy, By David Benioff

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Troy is a 2004 epic and historical film, written by David Benioff. It is a real history that happen 1193 B.C. this spetacular film, is about a war beetwen Troy and Greece.

Started when the Prince of Troy ( Alexander), remove Helen ( princess of Greece) from Menelau. It was a bloody battle which lasted a decade. On the greece side, Menelau called his Best warriors , Aquiles, his brother Agamenon, and Odisseu. On the other side, the only hope was in Alexander and Heitor, sons of the king Priamo. In the film we can fell the tension of the war na we also can see how much Helen and Alexander were in Love. However, Greece won de war, with a brilliant strateegy and killed every Trojan people and they also captured back de princess.

This epic, historical