Though the film is supposed to be taking place in the present-day, the screenwriter, John Logan, decided to use the original text of Shakespeare minimal changes like cutting short most of the scenes and altering the order of the character’s lines and entire scenes. This techniques work for most part of the film but in the first scene, for example the speech of Menenius to the angry people is reduced to merely two lines and through a TV broadcast so the audience cannot realize how gifted he is using words. As previously stated the treatment of this scene helps to make the film more real but in return, the presentation of the Roman nobleman is not as powerful as in the original work. One the other hand, the presentation of Tullus Aufidius is nothing like in the original play, first and foremost because it is a invented scene but also because it shows a crueller and deadly character. His introduction scene has a low key lighting as we see Aufidius and another soldiers waling through a dark corridor towards a cell where they keep a Roman prisoner for interrogation. In the moment the prisoner is no longer useful, Aufidius himself puts a bullet in his head. Right after Aufidius shots the Roman, the scene becomes a pre-recorded one that …show more content…
There is no relevant soundtrack to be commented on since it only appears to fill in the gaps when there is no dialogue; this means that the director decided to make the original words from Shakespeare the absolute protagonist of the film. In my opinion, carrying the plot of Coriolanus to the twenty-first century was a superb idea because this film reaches out to the people of today in ways that Shakespeare could never have foreseen and it works just fine because while the language remains being Shakespeare’s blank verse, the political hypocrisies and the grinding of war’s engine transcend any