Tutoring Persuasive Essay

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(Los Angeles, California) The California Research Bureau recently found that students who receive one-on-one tutoring for their reading witness the strongest positive impact on their reading scores during the elementary school years. Children also perform higher on standardized language arts and math tests when they are tutored, and they show greater attendance in school. Many parents question how to help their child succeed in school, and online tutoring may be the answer. TutorMe (www.tutorme.com) can be of help.

"Parents may struggle to find a tutor that is equipped to handle their child, as there is a limited selection of tutors in their area. With the help of online tutoring, parents find they gain access to a broader range of individuals, allowing them to find the right person for their child 's unique needs. This helps to ensure the child obtains the most from each tutoring session," Ari Stiegler, spokesperson for TutorMe.com, Inc., states.

Americans often hear about how other countries are outpacing the country in certain subjects. They look to teachers, classroom sizes and more to explain this disparity, yet it may be simpler than this. Approximately 30 percent of university students in Japan work with a private tutor to prepare for university entrance exams, yet they are fourth in the world when …show more content…

This option allows children to have homework help without delay and is customized to meet the needs of the family. The tutors are US based, and parents don 't have to deal with auto-responses or chat bots. It 's like working with a person in a home or other local setting, yet they may be clear across the country. Parents and students find they can obtain help in a variety of subjects, including computer science and humanities, or receive help with preparing for big tests, such as the Act, when they turn to us for assistance," Stiegler