Twelfth Amendment Pros And Cons

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The twelfth amendment is one of the amendments to the United States Constitution. The Bill of Rights is a list of the first ten changes made to the United States Constitution. The rest of the amendments were simply added to the United States Constitution. These changes are made to better and perfect the country, as no country is ever truly perfect. Utopias are a fictional trope and cannot be replicated in real life. Nevertheless, the United States of America works to correct any errors in the government to help the country run smoothly. The twelfth amendment provides a system for the electing of the presidents and vice presidents for the United States of America. The twelfth amendment administers a proper method for choosing the leaders for …show more content…

On the ballot, there was no option for vice president. Instead, an elector would vote two people for president. At the end of the election, all the votes would be counted up. The person with the majority would become president of the United States of America. The person with the second highest amount of votes would become vice president of the United States of America. The House of Representatives would choose the president from the top five candidates, if no one had a majority amount of votes. The person out of the remaining four with the highest amount of electoral votes would become vice president. If two people out of the remaining four were tied as they both had the majority and the same amount of votes, the Senate would decide who among the two candidates would become the vice president. If there were two candidates who had the same amount of votes and the majority, the House of Representatives would decide who among the two candidates would become president and who would become vice …show more content…

The twelfth amendment was proposed by Congress on the ninth of December in the year 1803. In order for a proposed amendment to be added to the United States Constitution, three-fourths of the states must ratify it. North Carolina was the first state to ratify the twelfth amendment. North Carolina ratified it on the twenty first of December in the year 1803. The last state to ratify the twelfth amendment was New Hampshire. The twelfth amendment was ratified by New Hampshire and added to the United States Constitution on the fifteenth of June in the year 1804, as it had finally gotten ratification from three-fourths of the