Two Preaching Styles Paper

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This paper will describe two preaching styles and traditions that are new to the author. Next, it will distinguish the differences, the strengths, and the weaknesses in style the author is not accustomed too. To conclude, this paper will reveal the theme or big idea if there was any to the sermon and some thoughts and comments. The Two Preaching Styles
The two styles of teaching chose by the author are Lutheran and Pentecostal. In the Lutheran's worship service during the sermon, the pastor begins with a detailed narrative story that leads up to the sermon text and his three points with questions. The pastor also invited the congregation to partake in the discourse by citing the questions after him. Robinson …show more content…

The author observed no source of confusion in the delivery of the message. However, there was no altar call. The message delivered in twenty minutes with clarity and simplicity.
The big idea of the sermon is to stay connected to God and people in the church. Satan desires to get people alone away from the relationship with God through disconnecting from other people.
The second traditional preaching the author chose is Pentecostal. The style of preaching the author observed is a rebuke. However, he spoke with clarity and talked to the people according to the culture. The Pentecostal sermon distinctiveness was with energy and calling the congregants out of their character by using the word "nigger." The congregants did not seem offensive with the term. Sangster states cursing, and obscene language is not typical preaching, but it does give insight into the member's heart. The pastor must talk to someone. (79) Ministry can be stressful when a leader spends a lot of time studying and in the presence of God, but a minimal transformation in the people is