Two Toed Sloths Research Paper

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Sloths are a medium-sized mammal. There are two types of sloth the two-toed sloth and the three-toed sloth, they are classified into six different species.

Although they 're largely similar, two-toed sloths are slightly faster, larger and have a more varied diet compared to the three-toed variety.

All living sloths have in fact three toes; the "two-toed" sloths, however, have only two fingers.

They are weird looking characterized by slow movement in the trees.

They are found in the rainforest canopies of Central and South America.

Their average lifespan is 10 to 15 years in the wild, but they can live up to 31 years in captivity.

Sloths ' bodies usually are between 58 to 68 cm (23 to 27 inches) and weight from 4 to 8 kilograms (9 to …show more content…

The sloths’ diet, consisting mainly of leaves, provides them with very little energy and nutrition. This is why they move very slowly to conserve the energy in their body.

Due to the low nutritional value of their leafy diet, sloths usually move at a leisurely pace and sleep a great deal.

Their hair is grayish brown but, at times they look grey-green in color because they move so slowly that tiny camouflaging algae grow all over their coats. This provides a camouflage against predators, by blending the color of the sloth with the color of the surrounding vegetation.

Though they couldn 't be clumsier on land, sloths are surprisingly good swimmers.

Sloths are nocturnal, they are most active at night and sleep all day.

They sleep about 15 to 18 hours each day, hanging upside down.

Sloths are solitary animals and only come together to mate.

when a female is ready to breed she screams to attract males, which will journey toward the source of the noise in pursuit of a mate.

If more than one male reaches her at the same time, they slowly fight each other while hanging by their rear legs!

Gestation period is from 7 to 10 months, depending on

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