Tyrel Case Summary

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While Mrs. Moran is considering the socioeconomic status of Tyrel’s family, she should also be considering how gender, language differences, and family dynamics affect Tyrel. M. Baruth and L. Manning suggests that African American males tend to need an alternative education to address individual needs (2013). Taking time to know the individual student and his needs should be a major priority. Language differences may also create a barrier in Tyrel’s education. If parents are non-readers or undereducated, then the meaning of many words he may hear in a learning environment will differ dramatically from the words he is exposed to at home. Extended family, the norm of the African American culture, will assist with care, the learning of values …show more content…

Moran, at this point has the opportunity to consider Tyrel a displaced or homeless student. “ The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act -This federal law provides support to ensure homeless children and youth have equal access to a free, appropriate, public education. Under the McKinney-Vento Act students are entitled to enrollment in school even if they lack the documents normally needed, including proof of immunization. The McKinney-Vento Liaison in each district is responsible for making eligibility determinations on a case-by-case basis and to help the student obtain the immunization records or immunizations (Section 722(g)(3)(C) and (cc) that homeless children and youths shall be provided comparable services described in subsection (g)(4), including transportation services, educational services, and meals through school meals programs” (Georgia Department of Education, 2004). She can encourage the family to take advantage of the services available to Tyrel and share services that can help Tyrel’s mother become better educated as well as day care programs designed to assist with care for needy families. Mrs. Moran can share his situation with teachers so that they may be better prepared for outbursts, inability to function at grade level, and emotional trauma that might inhibit his ability to