Ulysses And The Siren Analysis

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The Odyssey, a greek mythology story, of a hero and his struggles. Whose stories have been passed down from generations, has had a very influential impact on today 's morals in life itself. For example, in the story of Odysseus, his men, and the Sirens, Odysseus was tied to the bow of the ship while his men were given wax to put in their ears, preparing to enter the area of the sirens. For the men that have gone through this area had never been seen again. This story tells the tail of “”The Sirens,” and how Odysseus and his men managed. Therefore, In the painting Ulysses and the Sirens, by John Williams Waterhouse, he uses the myth of Odysseus and his crew, to show that It is imperative to keep the main focus on the task at hand, even when their are other bad distractions going on, while in Margaret Atwood 's poem, “Siren Song,” she uses the same scene to show that Men can be tempted by others that compliment their ego, but get so caught up in it, that they are oblivious to the person 's actual intentions. In Margaret Atwood 's poem “Siren Song,” she uses diction, imagery and details to disclose that men are tempted to be around people that compliment their ego, but get so caught up in it, that they are oblivious to the person 's actual intentions. Margaret Atwood uses very dull diction that relates to death, such as “skulls” and “dead” (lines 6-9), which refers to the shore of diseased men that have once traveled through. She also uses “cry,” and “help” (line 22), which