Ulysses Research Paper

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The Adventures of Ulysses Essay Imagine you were away from your family for ten years after a ten-year war. In The Adventures of Ulysses, a brave and clever warrior named Ulysses is trying to get to his home Ithaca, and his family after fighting in the Trojan War for ten years. He travels from island to island, fighting many monsters and dangers. He goes into the underworld and meets gods and goddesses, some like him and some don’t. Gods and goddesses play a role in The Adventures of Ulysses, as seen in the actions of Athena and Poseidon. Athene is the first god who plays an important role in The Adventures of Ulysses. Athene helps Ulysses when he is at Ogygia. He prays to the gods, pleading to let him go home or be killed. His prayers were …show more content…

The next example of Poseidon hindering Ulysses in his journey is when Ulysses is seventeen days out of Ogygia when Poseidon sees Ulysses’s ship. Poseidon thought he had drowned him long ago, so he sent a storm onto Ulysses, trying to drown him. The storm made the wind and water crazy, attacking his ship. The ship spun around and it cracked, the ship broke and he fell into the water. Ulysses wanted to let himself drown, but he kept fighting and grabbed a broken plank, surviving long enough to get help. As you can see, Poseidon played an important role in Ulysses’ journey. Gods and goddesses play a role in The Adventures of Ulysses, as seen in the actions of Athena and Poseidon. In The Adventures of Ulysses Athene helps Ulysses by listening to his prayers at Ogigia and she talked to the gods, convincing them to help Ulysses. The gods listen and Ulysses can start heading back home to Ithaca. Athene also helped Ulysses when she saw a ship of suitors that wanted to attack Ulysses’ son. She tricked Poseidon into believing that the ship of suitors was Ulysses ship. Poseidon then messed with the ship, hoping it would mess up