Ulysses S. Grant Contributions To Society

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Ulysses S. Grant had been the eighteenth President of the United states, and had worked closely with the sixteenth president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, to bring the Federal Armies to a victory in the United States Civil War. Grant had made many contributions to his country in his time, passing a law to make currency more stable, supporting the addition of the fifteenth amendment in the U.S Constitution, and much more. Grant had gained much popularity in his contributions which had led him to being elected as the president of the United States for a two terms.

Ulysses S. Grant had been born on April 7th, 1822 in Point Pleasant, OH, to his Father Jesse Root Grant and Mother Hannah Simpson Grant. Grant’s father Jesse …show more content…

Louis. Missouri. It was at this station that he had met his future wife Julia Dent, who had been the daughter of a slave owner. After only three months after being with Julia, Grant proposed for marriage. Julia had accepted the proposal but the wedding was to be held off because Grant was shipped for duty. Grant had been sent to fight in the Mexican War which during he served as quartermaster efficiently seeing over movement of supplies, and developed a reputation for being able to get food and supplies over even the toughest of terrains. Grant served under General Zachary Taylor and then later served under General Winfield Scott, who from would learn much through observation of their military tactics and leadership skills. Grant was given an opportunity to lead a company into combat where his was credited for his bravery under fire. Grant had developed strong feelings that the Mexican war was wrong and that it was only being waged to increase America’s territory for the spread of slavery. Grant returned from Mexico at the rank of Brevet Captain, where it was at this time he was able to take Julia Dent’s hand in marriage on the August 22, 1848. Grant would then take Julia to his new duty station at Sackett’s Harbor, New York. Grant had always been an alcoholic, so when he had reached Sackett’s Harbor, he joined a temperance society. Even though he had stayed with the temperance society for a year, he forgot the pledge after he was sent to his next duty station in