Did you know that Ulysses S. Grants real birth name was Hiram Ulysses Grant. His name was changed when he was enrolled in the West Point Academy. Grant was too shy to speak out and went by Ulysses S. Grant and was known famously by the name Ulysses S. Grant. Ulysses S. Grant was an important leader and he left a legacy because he proved that he can make it, he also led the Union in the American Civil War becoming a hero. He also became the 18th President of the United States. Ulysses S. Grant impacted many people.
Ulysses S. Grant was an average man. Grant went to West Point Military Academy and after graduating was stationed in St. Louis where he met his future wife. According to the Rector and Visitor of The University of Virginia, Grant
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Grant may not have always tried his hardest, but he still was a great leader. He showed it not only through his job, but he showed that he could be there when his family needed him. According to Jacqueline Laguex, Grant graduated 21st out of his class of 39 and he was stationed with the fourth infantry in preparation for the Mexican War. During the Mexican War, Ulysses S. Grant said, "You want to know what my feelings were on the field of battle! I do not know that I felt any peculiar sensation. War seems much less terrible to persons engaged in it than to those who read of the battles... During that night I believe all sleep as soundly on the ground at Palo Alto as if they had been in a palace. For my own part I don't think I even dreamed of battles." This proves that he wasn’t affected during the war and that it was natural for him. After fighting in the Mexican War he was moved up to Quartermaster(“WGBH Educational Function” Ulysses S. Grant Timeline). The Quartermaster was in charge of making sure that the tents and tools were all accounted for. This is an example of the leadership Grant had just after the first battle he had fought in. In the Spring of 1851, the fourth infantry was stationed on the Pacific Coast. Grant had trouble supporting his family and after a recommended resignation, he resigned in 1854(“Ulysses S. Grant” Chapter XVI ). Although this may show weak leadership, this proves that he felt that his family was more important than his job and …show more content…
Grant led his legacy not only through his battles, but through his childhood. When Grant was just a child, he was never thought to have even pass his classes but he ended up becoming the lieutenant (A&E Television Network). This shows his legacy because he was thought of so lowly and then he became the lieutenant in the American Civil War. He kept pushing through and he was one of the main leaders in the American Civil War. In addition he was one of the first lieutenants since George Washington. This can reveal that he was highly respected among many men. After the American Civil War Grant went on a two year trip around the world being viewed as a hero. The son of the Duke of Wellington viewed him as a Primary Architect(Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History). He was not only the Lieutenant, he became president in 1869. In the Mexican War, his very first battle, he was awarded for his bravery. Those are the ways that his legacy was led through his childhood and his