Umpires As A Career Research Paper

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Sports officials have a very difficult job that only requires a high school diplomas. Officials must use research to keep up to date with the rules and regulations of the game. Basically sports officials have to do the research to know how to keep everyone safe and keep it a fair game. A sports official, a referee or umpire, use mostly qualitative research. Umpires use research before every game to make sure that they are up to date rules and regulations to make sure they officiate a fair game. First, umpires have to enroll in a school. Then after they enroll they have to get certified to umpire. It takes many of years for an umpire to ump a MLB game. Umpires have to research when the dates are to take the course to become an umpire. (The …show more content…

They are only required to have a high school diploma. Even though they only require a high school diploma, they still have to complete umpire school. They also have to meet physical requirements so they can be equip to ump in any conditions. (How to Become an Umpire, 2017) So Umpires have to use research everyday and every game. They use qualitative research by gaining information by researching the rules. They also have to research the class dates and where to go. That is how umpires use research in their everyday lives. The next kind of official that uses research is a referee. Referees officiate soccer, football, and basketball. Referees and umpires differ because umpires are stationary and referees move along with the players. (The difference between umpires and referees, 2017) A basketball referee has to use research every game just like umpires. Basketball referees use research before every game to make sure they are up to date on the rules. Another way they use research is that if something happens in a game that isn't common in a game, they would have to research if it's allowed or what other people think about it. (How to become an NBA referee, …show more content…

First, you have to research when the classes are to take. You only need a high school diploma to go to these referee schools. After the referee school, they have to apply to the NBA. When referees apply to the NBA, they have to submit a detailed and honest resume with basic information, past experience, and education. Before they can referee a NBA game they have to have past in refereeing high school basketball. (How do you become an NBA referee?) In the NBA, there are 3 officials at each game. These referees have to be physically fit because they have to run up and down the court. In baseball you only have to watch the baseball, but in basketball you have to watch more than just the ball. Referees have to watch for illegal moves and contact between players. The one official stands near the opposing team basket and another at the free throw line and one that moves around the whole court. Without using research, basketball referees wouldn't know all this information. (The Jobs of Umpires and