Un Essay Papers

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The United Nations The United Nations (UN) is an international organization that focuses on promoting global cooperation and world peace. The predecessors of the United Nations were a similar group called the League of Nations, which was disbanded as a result of the members being incapable of preventing WW2. The first remnants of the UN came about during WW2, where 26 different nations each pledged to fight against the Axis Powers. The UN was officially created in San Francisco on October 24th, 1945 by 50 (51 including Poland who could not make it) countries from around the globe some of which include Canada, Belgium and Australia (Right: Official logo of the United Nations). They inherited almost all of the information from the League of Nations and together, the 50 original members created the United Nations Charter which was put into order the same day that they were formally created.
The United Nations Charter is the charter with all …show more content…

There are 19 chapters to the charter, each addressing its own topics and rules. The charter sets out to accomplish four main goals. To build strong relationships between nations, to solve international problems with cooperation, to provide a gathering where the countries can discuss goals and carry them out and to maintain worldwide peace. However if conflicts get out of hand, a peacekeeper may be needed, which is where the Security Council comes into hand.
There are 6 main branches of the UN, the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the Secretariat. Firstly, the General Assembly is the main branch in which all nations get one vote and seat (Left: Seats of the United Nations Blue: Asia Green: Africa Yellow: Europe Orange: Latin