Understanding The Dichotomy Between Ghosts And Ghostly Identity

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5. Conclusions. Why is it so important to include the ghosts and the ghostly identities within the political space? If we want to learn how to live, how to achieve a just society, we need to include every entity and identity that conforms that society. Issues of justice can only be rendered in public and political spaces. To understand the living, we need to understand the dead ones. Hauntology deconstructs the traditional dichotomy between the dead and the living that classical ontology affirms. To apprehend and recognize the ghostly existences does not only lead us to understand the complexity of our society. It also leads us to be active and responsible with the inheritance of the past times. Time is out of joint, and we need to fix this dis-adjustment by including every possible agent. In order to be just with the dead, we need to be just with the inheritance that they give us. “To learn to live in this other way with the spectres- being this, to be just with the specters, with their times and to respond them with justice- is, first of all, to learn to search within ourselves the otherness that also gives us shape through the footprints and the pleates that the others draw and deposit in …show more content…

[...]“If it is possible and if one must take it seriously, the possibility of the question, which is perhaps no longer a question and which we are calling here justice, must carry beyond present life, life as my life or our life. In general. For it will be the same thing for the "my life" or "our life" tomorrow," that is, for the life of others, as it was yesterday for other others: beyond therefore the living present in general.” (Derrida,