Understanding The French Involvement In Vietnam From 1945-1954

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Mike Boland

The French Involvement in Vietnam from 1945-1954

In order to fully understand the French involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1954, you need to first look at and analyze the two different lines of thinking from both the French and the Viet Minh. The French Involvement in Vietnam was marked by a clash between the French colonial mindset and the nationalist Viet Minh mindset. What we see as a common thread throughout this conflict, especially in the battle at Bien Diem Phu, is the French constantly underestimating the Viet Minh. It will cost the French dearly but this is not unexpected from a historically imperialistic nation.
The Viet Minh was a coalition of nationalist and communist groups that emerged to resist French colonial …show more content…

The Viet Minh are fighting in their own backyard. They know all of the geography which we will find to be the crucial factor in the battle of Bien Dien Phu. Geography is the thing that makes or breaks nations on conflicts of war. The Viet Minh know their land amazingly well and they are utilizing it to terrorize their enemy. Psychologically, the French are scared out of their wits to go into the jungle to seek out the Viet Minh. That any step they take could very well be their last one or at the very least, wind up in the loss of a body part. This kind of warfare will wreak havoc on your enemies …show more content…

The French government was divided over the issue of colonialism, with some politicians supporting the continuation of French colonial rule and others calling for independence for colonies such as Vietnam. The war also led to protests and demonstrations within France, with many people calling for an end to the war and an end to colonialism.
Furthermore, the French involvement in Vietnam also highlights the complexities and challenges of colonialism and the struggle for independence. The Vietnamese people fought for their independence against a major colonial power, and their struggle was supported by other nations and people around the world who were also fighting against colonialism. It also highlights the importance of political and military strategies in achieving independence, as the Vietnamese were able to defeat the French through their guerrilla tactics and political

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