
Unhealthy And Healthy Relationships In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Every 9th grade student should read Romeo and Juliet. Published in 1597 by William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet is a pillar of English writing and should be read by every 9th grader. By reading this amazing play, it will show us examples of unhealthy and healthy relationships, give us a wonderful perspective on the 1500s, and is an astonishing introduction to English for future assignments involving Shakespeare or older pieces of writing. Therefore, it is only sensible that every future 9th grader should read Romeo and Juliet, as it teaches relationships, gives a view of the Elizabethan Era, and prepares them for the next four years of English class. Furthermore, in Romeo and Juliet, we look at plenty of examples of unhealthy and healthy relationships. …show more content…

Failure to do this will cause us to lose relationships with the people we care about. In Romeo and Juliet, we see excellent examples of healthy relationships, such as the relationship between Juliet Capulet and the Nurse. They both respect each other and value each other's opinions and boundaries. We can see this when the Nurse is trying to set up a marriage between Romeo and Juliet and states, “They want her to marry Paris, but she doesn’t like him!” (Shakespeare 15). This just shows how much the Nurse listened to Juliet, which is a key to a healthy relationship. However, we also see plenty of examples of unhealthy relationships. An example of this is between Juliet and her father, Lord Capulet. Lord Capulet doesn’t care about the opinions of Juliet and does what he sees fit. We see this when he tries to force her to marry Count Paris, a man she doesn't love. In other words, Romeo and Juliet is filled with relationships we can learn from and benefit from in our daily lives. Also, Romeo and Juliet gives a view of how things were in the Elizabethan Era, which is beneficial because we can see what we did wrong and compare it to what we have …show more content…

In today's day and age, almost anyone can make their own decisions, regardless of gender or race. We also see different traditions that may be similar or different from what we have today. One tradition we see is when Lord Capulet has a party where all the young men wear masks to hide their identities, then they go around talking to different girls. We do have something similar to this now with dating apps that don’t require pictures to be uploaded. Along with that, we see the different ways people get married. Most marriages in the Elizabethan Era were not because of love and were viewed more as a business deal between two families. We see this in Romeo and Juliet when Lord Capulet is trying to force Juliet to marry Paris because of his money and status. This isn’t as common in today’s age; however, it does happen rarely in Middle Eastern countries. With that, Romeo and Juliet gives a great perspective on the Elizabethan Era. Finally, Romeo and Juliet give a great introduction to new high schoolers about future plays and books on the Elizabethan

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