Union Discrimination In The Workplace

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Every workplace is either union or nonunion. In a nonunionized workplace the employer makes the rules; they get to decide on things such as wages, promotions, and hours of work the employees shall receive. The employees do not have a say in these matters. Nonunion workers are not members of a union, and do not have union representation in the workplace. Whereas a union is a group of workers that are joined together in a specific type of organization for improving their working conditions as well as to help in promoting the common interests of the group. In a unionized workplace a workforce has the opportunity to negotiate its wages or salary rates through the union; a union workforce can also bargain for things such as employee benefits, safety …show more content…

Union contracts provide specific guidelines for disciplining employees. “Employers need to adhere to strict guidelines and follow due process when terminating employees as opposed to letting them go with little to no apparent cause” (Joseph). Employers cannot terminate an employee just because they want to, they must have supportive reasoning behind their decision. In a union, employers must go through a formal dismissal process to terminate an employee. “While union rules often make it more difficult for employers to terminate what they consider to be “problem” employees, they also protect employers against legal action taken by employees who believe their fringes were unjustified” (Joseph). A union contract is not only beneficial to an employee, but also the employer because it protects the employer from being sued if they are following the guidelines correctly. The dismissal process of an employee in a union workplace can be lengthy and formal, but this ensures that the employee is getting disciplined fairly and that the dismissal process is consistent for …show more content…

“Children whose parents belonged to a union and those who grew up in geographic areas with high union membership climb higher up the career ladder and earn more money as adults…” (Rosales 26). Children who are exposed to unions at an early age can benefit from it when they are older. Unions do not only benefit their workers. “…[U]nions advocate for policies that benefit the working people such as minimum wage increases and increased expenditures on school and public services” (26). By having union presence people are earning higher wages, and it allows schools and public services to receive more money to spend on resources that are beneficial to everyone. Unions are helping to benefit workers and