Unit 8 Assignment: Preventing Teen Pregnancy

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Unit 8 Assignment: Preventing Teen Pregnancy
Kendal Metts
Kaplan University

Have you talked to your children about safe sex? Do they know all the risks and consequences of being sexually active at such a young age? Not all teens are talked to when it comes to having sex and the consequences of having sex. They don’t know how to use birth control or condoms properly or they don’t have them. When a teen does become sexually active they don’t always know about all the programs out there to help keep them safe from STD’s or pregnancy. Talking to teens and keeping them educated on sex and the outcomes such as teen pregnancy and all the helpful programs available to them can help reduce teen pregnancy, decrease kids being put up for adoption, decrease diseases transmitted through sex.

Martin, JA, Hamilton BE, Osterman MJK, Curtin SC, Mathews TJ. Births: Final data for 2013. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2015;64
From 2012 to 2013 the teen birth rates have decreased for all races teens 15 – 19 years old, non-Hispanic white teen birth rates have declined 9%, non – Hispanic blacks and American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) has went down 11%, and 10% decrease in teen birth rates for Asian/Pacific Islanders and …show more content…

Not only do they offer these programs that can help prevent teen pregnancy they also accept most major insurances and also offer several no-cost and reduced cost-programs and they also offer a sliding – fee scale. They try to give teens the best chance at preventing teen pregnancy. This is a great program for teens who need birth control but can’t afford it or for teens who need information and do not have someone they can get in from in their family. It is all confidential and they are very helpful when deal with anyone especially teens. (Planned Parenthood