United Way Business Analysis

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United Way is another non profit organization that assists people all around the world. They have 2.6 million volunteers (united way). Fifty million lives have been impacted by the assistance from the United Way and their volunteers (united way). The three main things United Way focuses on improving are, education, income, and health. Volunteers along with tutors assist families with children by providing them with learning tools and programs. 15 million parents benefit from these opportunities given to their children (“Education” par. 4). The UNited Way sees that educated people benefit each and every community because they have a the chance to earn a higher salary, which then contributes to their local economy (“Education” par. 5). Next, …show more content…

Homelessness is experienced by millions of americans because of the economy. On any given night, in January 2014, 578,424 people would experience homelessness. Approximately 401,501 of these people were in a shelter (CITE). These shelters are non profit organizations operated by volunteers. The Salvation army houses homeless people every night of the year. The Salvation Army in La Crosse has 80 beds, which is the largest shelter in the La Crosse area, and would turn up to 20 people away on any given night, in 2015 (Dimke par. 8). It is estimated that this year, up to 700,000 americans will use a shelter or sleep on the streets on any given night (“Homelessness” par. …show more content…

9.6 million americans spend more than 50% of their income on housing, which puts them at risk for homelessness (Vestal 22). This high amount of income makes a person decide what is the most important, food, shelter, or basic needs. Most people then decide that shelter is at the bottom of the list. A similar factor is people having to choose between abusive relationships and homelessness. People would rather live on the streets on their own than be abused. Other factors that may lead to homelessness are lack of affordable health care, domestic violence, mental illness, and addiction disorders. Approximately 16% of the homeless population in the United States suffer from a mental illness (“Multiple” 72). Another group that often experiences homelessness, are veterans. In some cases they are not able to get because people employers with not give them a job based on what they may have done overseas. In Monroe county alone there are 73 homeless veterans (Dimke par. 7). There are many different non profit organizations that can help search for a way needs can be provided for certain