
Universal Humanity In Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Of all the things people possess, their personality traits are among the most significant because their qualities are what define who they are. Each person is unique and distinct in their character, but there are some personal attributes that many humans have in common. In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth, the tragic hero, Macbeth, embodies several of such universal human traits. One important character trait that Macbeth holds is selfishness, and this facet of his is universal because it is reflected in great leaders like Steve Jobs and also in normal individuals such as the Rod Dreher. Macbeth’s self-centering nature is crucial because it was what drives him to pursue ambitious tasks and venture on a wild path. In The Tragedy of Macbeth, there are many instances in which Macbeth exhibits egocentric behavior. In the first act of the tragedy, the readers can already spot a whiff of Macbeth’s selfishness as they see his hidden reaction to Duncan making his son, Malcolm, next in line to the throne. After witnessing Duncan bestowing Malcolm the title Prince of Cumberland, he mutters to himself that this is an obstacle “on which [he] must fall down, or else o 'erleap,/ For in [his] way it lies” (). At this moment, Macbeth is contemplating how he is going to become king, according to the prophecy he heard from the witches, if Malcolm is going to take the throne and is considering killing Malcolm. This is important because the fact that Macbeth even has the thought of

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