University Students Don 'T Read: What Professors Do To Increase Compliance'

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In “Why University Students Don’t Read: What Professors Can Do To Increase Compliance” Mary E. Hoeft questions whether why students don’t like to read the assigned textbooks. Hoeft found that it is essential to know that there is a multiple of things we can do to boost the completion of reading assignments, for the professors who consider reading completion to be the main component to schooling (qtd. in Hoft 15). Some of these things could include could giving out quizzes, supplementary assignments, and to give reminders and making it interesting at the same time. While Hoeft suggest that reading completion is a team effort between the students and faculty, the emphasis of her argument is on whether students care about what they are reading.
In “Why University Students Don’t Read: What Professors Can Do to Increase Compliance,” Rice Lake reports why students don’t like to read the assigned articles. Hoeft's article she begins to have a recurring theme of whether students care or that they don’t care about reading the assigned text. An explanation to why students don’t care about the reading, could be that students don’t have time to read and if they don’t they just put off until they are so behind they finally say “what's the point to reading?” …show more content…

This can be the case for some athletes because they have practice or games during the week which, takes a lot out of their time to read. So during the week, getting behind in their reading can make it easier on them to catch up on the weekends compared to the non-athlete student who has a great amount of time to complete the reading