Unschooling is when the child/student takes more control of their learning experience and education. It is also called child-directed learning or self-learning. This word is a noun. The main point of unschooling is to take your child out of the sometimes harsh and politically biased, government school systems. The prefix un means not, this is shown in words like unexpected where the full word means not expected. The word schooling means the education or training received (usually in school). Prefixes similar to un are dis and im. Words similar to schooling are educating and teaching. Words similar to unschooling are unlearning and uneducating. Unschooling has a Greek origin. One example of unschooling in The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls …show more content…
She was traveling around the west coast for years. Her family was running from the tax collectors, her father was broke and scared, yet he was not willing to show it to his family, and her mother always trying to live off the “fat of the land”. As Jeanette and her family travel, they meet new people and new problems. Once a problem arises that is unavoidable and is potentially threatening to their way of living free, they move again. Now these scenarios do not come up every couple years; they come up almost every couple weeks or months. This would make adjusting to the public school or any school at all nearly impossible for any child. Even if they were to adjust in such a short time period, they would need to do so again as soon as the moved a couple weeks …show more content…
Unschooling involves learning outside of the standard school system and curriculums, which can help or hurt many students. Even though Jeannette Walls occasionally went to school, Jeannette was also taught in unorthodox ways from her parents. For example, instead of Jeannette’s parents telling her to be careful around the stove, she learned by burning herself and having to go to the hospital. In the end (even though Jeanette wasn’t raised exactly to the model of unschooling) it shares many similarities with how she was