Persuasive Essay On Homeschooling

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Home schooling is a trending concept that is popular mostly in US and around the world. Home schooling preferred often by the parents that have environmental concerns, religious beliefs, lack of confidence to the education quality of the public and private schools and inadequacy of curriculum. They believe that they can give better education to their children at home. According to Jamie Martin (Homeschooling 101: What Is Homeschooling, 2012), home schooling began to grow in the 1970s, when popular writers and researchers such as John Holt and Dorothy and Raymond Moore wrote about the educational reforms and they alleged that home schooling is a valid educational alternative. In addition, according to National Home Education Research Institutes’ 2012 data, there are more than 2 million home schooled children in US with the percentage swiftly increasing by 7 percent to 15 percent each year. Home schooling is legal in all 50 states in the US and in the most countries in the world. There are some legal requirements for home schooling but it differs state to state in US, but there is no requirement in most of the states. There is no need for parents’ education degree in order to home school their child. If the child did not attend any school before, turning schooling age is enough to start home schooling. If the child already attended a school, parents obliged to write a letter of withdrawal to the school that notifies the school about the child no longer