Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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According to Public School Review “86% of public schools still operate on a traditional schedule,” (Year Round vs. traditional schedule public schools 1). Meanwhile, 14% of schools in the U.S are operating on a year round schedule. Students shouldn’t have year round school because schools would have to pay more money, tourism and other industries count on summer profits, and parents are burdened with students lengthy schedule. To begin, many students are weighed down with the stress of school,therefore, schools should stick to having a summer break. Students shouldn’t have year round school because it would add costs to schools. According to Year Round Schooling, “ …..year round schooling brings added cost to school districts, which have to …show more content…

With a break in the summer the schools have time to shut everything down and don’t have to pay for anything. Many might say that summer break allows for students to have a “summer learning loss” and forget everything they learned the year before. On the other hand, with too much school and other activities students are stressed and need a break to travel somewhere and not have to worry about an essay that’s due the next day. Many industries count on summer vacationers for income. In the passage Year Round Schooling it states, “ Tourism and other industries that count on summer vacationers might suffer,” (Zubrzycki 2) Many businesses, for example, Disney World count on the many students and families that travel to Florida for income to keep their businesses running. With countless school districts still in school over the summer businesses will lose part of their annual income. Finally, “ In school districts where some are year round and other are traditional, families may have to juggle conflicting schedules,” (Zubrzycki 2). Many parents work over the summer and with some kids still in school parents might not find time to pick them up because they are still at work. With a summer break students could hang out with there friends so