Year Round School Research Paper

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Is year-round school a good idea?
School districts are debating on year-round school for local districts.

The government should not make year-round school, it will only make students more stressed.
With all the build up of schoolwork students will be too busy on trying to get their schoolwork done rather than sleeping. Between juggling school work and curricular activities students will hardly have to worry about their personal and social life. With all the build up of schoolwork they'll be too busy on trying to get their schoolwork done rather than sleeping.
In the final analysis, will year-round school me a good idea.

Year- round school might not promote learning even more than a regular schedule of schooling.
To begin with, there is no guarantee of improved academic achievement.
According to, the National …show more content…

Year- round schooling could either help students academically increase or decrease.
Students may benefit from year-round school, while others may struggle even more with year round school rather than regular school calendars.
To sum it all up, can year- round school help students academically.
Can year- round school increase the absences rate of teachers and students.
Another significant, year- round school may reduce absences because the frequently scheduled breaks allow for sick or exhausted teachers and students.

With the year- round school teachers and students may feel overwhelmed, which may cause sickness and missing days of school.
This information gives an example on how and why year- round school could not only affect students, but teachers as well.

Both teachers and students will be exhausted from working so hard during the day and having homework to do and papers to grade at night with little to no