Year Round School Research Paper

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School should not be year round. All around america the amount of year round schools are growing and so are the advantages and disadvantages of a year round school. Year round schools run 180 days but spread out over a whole year. The amount of breaks about every six weeks can bring lots of advantages and disadvantages to parents, teachers, and students. Year round schools can create stress but can also affect students, parents, and teachers in a positive way. School should not be year round because students do not learn as much, it can be hard for some families, and can be difficult for teachers. Year round schooling can be hard for some families because not having a summer break can force families to find child care. For some families financial issues could also come …show more content…

teaching in a year round school can become hectic and it can be hard for some teachers to keep up in this article “teaching in a year round school” it states that “research also indicates there are some perceived challenges for the teaching staff. They include organizational issues, continuing education, and conflicts in personal schedules.”("Teaching in Year-Round Schools. ERIC Digest."). with all these challenges it can create a not so fun work space and make working possible missarible. in the next article “year round schooling healthy or not?” it states that the work place can become stressful “ workplace stress, and argues that the calendar is only one of many factors affecting teachers.” (Sagan). teachers already face enough stress with just grading work but when teachers get overloaded with work it can create stress on the teacher.the amount of work teachers are required to do can be difficult and can create even more workplace stress. once again workload affects the teachers in the work space and make it stressful for