Persuasive Essay On After School Programs

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After school, from 3 to 6 p.m, is a critical period of time in a child’s life. After school programs help keep kids safe and inspire them to learn during that period of time. After school programs are organized programs that youth can participate in outside of a traditional school day. Enrolling children in after school programs would provide them with benefits that unenrolled children would not receive, such as reduce risky behavior and promote physical health. After school programs provide a safe environment for children, while positively impacting their academics, safety, and their future. Generally, after school programs are ran by schools, faith-based, or community-based nonprofit organizations (Afterschool Programs: From Vision to Reality, 2004). Most programs are held directly after school, but can also be held on weekends, over breaks or vacations, or on evenings. It is important to define what the purpose of the program is going to be, whether it be academics, sports, special interests, or cultural activities. Some other key factors of an after school program are high levels of children involvement, a mix of academic and non academic skill building …show more content…

Parents who enroll their children in after school activities are less stressed, have better attendance at work, and are overall more productive (Lend a Hand:Learn the Facts, n.d.). In many households, both parents work causing a period of time where their children are home alone. When parents enroll their children in afterschool programs, they do not have to worry about what their child is doing after school. Their children will be supervised in a safe environment while learning beneficial skills for their futures. Parents may miss work if they do not have a place for their child to go after school. Working parents who stress over where their children may be after school, often miss more work than their