Homeschooling Annotated Bibliography Essay

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Annotated Bibliography In this day and age of school becoming more and more rigorous and the demand for our children 's education growing each year, an alternative option becomes an enticing thought. Homeschooling is something many people might not associate with modern times. Kids in the American school system are often times overworked and underplayed. Starting from as young as kindergarten, children are expected to sit at a desk and focus for up to eight hours a day with less and less outdoor free-time. Parents have been vocal for some time about their young child coming home with homework after spending a solid eight hours in class. Kids and adults alike are frustrated with the push of academic expectancy and minuscule creativity. The …show more content…

However, what homeschooling does provide are flexibility and freedom. The flexibility to choose materials the child is interested in learning more about and the freedom to choose where and when to spend family time together. Families are not held to an 8-3 school schedule with truants and late slips. They have the ability to plan vacations according to what works for their family, not what the school schedule allows for them. Many states have heavy regulations on homeschooling as far as the requirements and responsibilities go. However, the government in many places wants more regulations over homeschool education. Many want it to be outlawed altogether and the privilege to be taken away from families in order to have more control stating abuse and neglect on the parents part. Others want a more rigorous testing schedule and minimum educational requirements provided by the parent wanting to educate. Educational options serve to help the children not just be another number in the school system. They provide opportunities to engage students and nurture their interests in order to grow their knowledge of the working world they will eventually