Why Is Homeschooling Changing In America?

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Have you ever wanted to learn with comfort? The U.S should require parents to take training or have a college degree to teach at home.Some reasons why are that some stuff that kids learn today are different from back then, they aren’t socializing with other kids their age, parents might not be as educated as they need to be in one subject that their kid need to learn. Let me break them down so you understand better. What kids learn today is different from back then because the things they teach us today is more complicated than what they learned back then to them, parents aren’t teaching the same thing as public schools are.Things are more advanced these days in school. (Here’s how homeschooling is changing in America). Parents believe if they homeschool kids they will be teaching …show more content…

Socializing with other kids other kids isn’t really an option for kids who learn at home because they don’t have kids their own age to bounce ideas off of.but not having a lot of kids around is a better learning environment because friends can be a distraction, it’s also builds a better relationship with their families because their always at home.(Ray).Even though homeschooling doesn’t allow kids to socialize with other kids it builds better relationships with parents and siblings if u have any.(Ray). If the U.S require training to homeschool then you shouldn’t have to take training if you have a degree in college. If parents have a degree in college they should be able to homeschool because they have already been through proper schooling so they should have the right stuff to teach you.When you homeschool kids you have to check your state laws for the requirements and what you need in order to teach at home. Some states just have to be informed about it, others have guidelines and requirements you need to know about.(Carter). The U.S must be doing something right because 1.5 million kids have been getting homeschooled since 2007.